What Is The Procedure Like?

Your visit with us is a thorough process. It begins with simple preparation steps that must be strictly followed before you arrive (pre-examination instructions). Once in the office, you will meet with our experienced staff to go over the procedure. A health history intake will be taken and, if you are here for breast thermography, a visual inspection of the surface of the breasts will be done. This is a standard procedure that correlates any surface findings with the infrared images. Once this is done, you will be left for 15 minutes in order for your body to reach a steady temperature state in equilibrium with the special temperature conditions of the room. After this brief waiting time, you will be positioned in front of the imaging system so that the relevant surfaces of the body may be imaged.

Imaging System
Computerized Medical Infrared Imaging System

The images are captured in real-time from an ultra-sensitive medical infrared imaging camera and sent to a computer for storage and analysis (the images are kept on archival media for comparison to future images for monitoring over time). Specialized infrared imaging computer programs allow the doctor to isolate direct and differential temperatures, perform vascular analyses, dynamic thermal subtraction studies, and more.

Once the images are taken, a board certified clinical thermologist will digitally process and analyze the images. A written report of the results will be sent to you and made available to your doctor.

If you are having a breast thermogram, each breast will be graded using the internationally accepted and standardized TH (thermobiological) interpretation protocol. Each breast’s image is placed into one of five thermobiological categories:

TH 1 – Normal uniform non-vascular

TH 2 – Normal uniform vascular

TH 3 – Questionable

TH 4 – Abnormal

TH 5 – Severely abnormal

Depending upon the results of the exam, further tests may be ordered and/or future infrared scans performed at recommended intervals to monitor the breasts.

Imaging System
Bilateral Breast TH 1 – Normal Uniform Non-Vascular Image

Heat bar

The hotter temperatures are the lighter colors to the right.

In the normal TH1 image above, the color (temperature) patterns of the breasts are cool and very close to identical when compared to each other.

Imaging System
Bilateral Breast TH 1 – Normal Image
Imaging System
Bilateral Breast TH 2 – Normal Image

Left and Right Breast TH 2

Both breasts show symmetrical streaks of orange and red (blood vessels). This symmetrical increase in metabolism is commonly caused by the effects of hormones. In cases such as these, the patient is referred back to their doctor for further testing to confirm the findings and determine the cause. The vast majority of these cases are found by the patient’s physician to be a form of hormone imbalance (estrogen dominance). Since lifetime exposure to estrogen is a leading cause for breast cancer, discovering this and correcting the problem may play a significant role in breast cancer prevention.

Imaging System
Bilateral Breast TH 1 – Normal Image
Imaging System
Left Breast TH 3 – Questionable Image

Left Breast TH 3 – Questionable Image

In the image above you will notice some mildly hotter blood vessels in the left breast. This finding will need to be watched over time for change. If it remains stable, or improves, the finding is normal for the physiology of this patient. Under IACT guidelines, the patient was referred to her physician for follow-up imaging.

Imaging System
Bilateral Breast TH 1 – Normal Image
Imaging System
Left Breast TH 4 – Abnormal Image

Left Breast TH 4 – Abnormal Image

The image above you will notice the increased temperature and vascularity (metabolism) in the left breast. Under IACT guidelines, the patient was referred to her physician for follow-up imaging.

Imaging System
Bilateral Breast TH 1 – Normal Image
Imaging System
Right Breast TH 5 – Severely Abnormal Image

Right Breast TH 5 – Severely Abnormal Image

Note the intensely overall increased temperature and vascularity (metabolism) of the right breast. Under guidelines, the patient was referred to her physician for follow-up imaging.

Computerized Digital Processing

The following series of images are examples of a biopsy confirmed case of left breast cancer. The black and white images demonstrate different methods of isolating the neoangiogenic vessels for analysis using computerized digital subtraction processing. The color images are a limited example of the many enhancement palettes available. The type of processing used also provides for computerized quantitative analysis of the temperatures anywhere on the images. Our office is equipped with one of the most sophisticated medical infrared imaging systems available.



Breast Thermogram – $200

This is an excellent service that offers 5-7 infrared images with grade assessments of each breast, also thermal markers that may indicate hormonal imbalance if present. Please allow 45-60 minutes this appointment.

Full Body Thermogram with Breast – $600

This comprehensive service offers upper and lower body with breast imaging. Please allow 90 minutes for this appointment.

Full Body Thermogram – $500

This service offers upper and lower body without breast. Please allow 90 minutes for this appointment.

Thyroid Thermogram – $175

This service offers 3 infrared images of the anterior (front) portion of the neck. Please allow 30 minutes for this appointment.

Breast and Thyroid Thermogram – $300

This service offers imaging of anterior portion of the neck with breast imaging that will also include the axilla (armpit). Please allow 45 minutes for this appointment.

Upper Body Thermogram with Breast – $400

This service offers infrared imaging of the face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, hands, fingers and breast. Please allow 60 minutes for this appointment.

Lower Body Thermogram with Breast – $400

This service includes infrared breast imaging with lower body from the waste down. It will include regions of the buttocks, thighs, legs, and feet. Please allow 60 minutes for this appointment.

Upper Body Thermogram (no breast imaging) – $300

This service offers infrared imaging of the face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, hands, and fingers. Please allow 60 minutes for this appointment.

Lower Body Thermogram – $300

This service includes infrared imaging of the lower body from the waist down. It will include regions of the buttocks, thighs, legs, and feet. Please allow 60 minutes for this appointment.

Maxillofacial (Head/Face) Thermogram – $200

This service offers infrared imaging of the face and neck with anterior, lateral and oblique views. Please allow 45 minutes for this appointment.

Maxillofacial (Head/Face) with Breast Thermogram – $350

This service offers infrared imaging of the breast, face and neck with anterior, lateral and oblique views. Please allow 60 minutes for this appointment.